Has anyone seen this movie yet?
Well, if you have not let me provide a quick synopsis.
Cal Weaver is a middle aged man who separates from his wife after she tells him she had an affair. Cal meets Jacob, a young man with enormous self confidence and sexual magnetism, at a bar. These two very different men become friends and each teaches the other the importance of self discovery. After a series of amusing transformations both Cal and Jacob discover what they really want in life. True Love. On this quest they impact those closest in their lives and show that "true love" is something worth fighting for, even getting hurt for.
First let me tell you, I have so much respect for Steve Carell as an actor. I have rarely seen so much diversity in a actor as I do with Steve Carell. He is more than just a "comedian" he is an intelligent actor who provokes feelings and thoughts in his audience through his humor and whit. It takes amazing talent to make a person laugh through tears.
Ryan Gosling is another actor who should be looked at for more than just his good looks. He is an authentic actor who truly believes in his characters and he brings an integrity to those characters when so many actors are unable to do. Even as the womanizing "Jacob," Ryan allows you to see a venerability which is believable and real that you end up truly liked this character.
These two actors were able to make these two very different characters into believable friends even though there was an obvious age and experience differences.
I think we need to explore this relationship.
Men don't have these type of relationships, and you know they should. I feel that men have become afraid to have close relationships with other men because of a stigma that would be perceived as some other type of relationship.
But, that is not the case.
Lets look at men from anthropological standpoint. In ancient cultures, men and women were separate from each other. Men had their men friends and women had their women friends. But really it was more that just friendship it was a sort of kinship.
Men were able to go off with other men and put their lives in to the hands of these men as they hunted and fought. There was a camaraderie with this group of men, they shared their lives with each other, they talked, drank, supported and lifted up each other. They complained about their wives, they asked for advice, they talked and bragged about their sexual experiences, they told stories, they taught the young men. This was the foundation of early culture and it is something in the 21st century is crumbling and falling apart.
Men don't really have that support system anymore. We live in a "lone wolf" society. I feel that men of the 21st century doubt their "Manliness" if they do go out with other men.
Guys don't do that to yourselves.
You know what you know, you know what you want and your friends know what you want, and if people outside of your group are going to sit there and judge you for your friends or your relationships then they are the pathetic lonely individuals.
Men you DON'T need to get "in touch with their feminine side!"
I'm sorry, but I just don't buy into that crap. Woman don't want feminine men. Women want MEN! Women want manly men. Women want a man who is not afraid to stand up for the injustices of whatever world they are in at the time. Women want men to take charge and to make decisions when we can't. Women want men who respect the individuality of a woman and will give her space when she needs it. Women want men who are hot in bed. (Apologies to my sensitive readers but I tell it like it is.)
Women, let me tell you something. I'm no expert on men, but I have been very observant of men lately and this is what I see.
Women you have got stop treating your men like your girl friends!!
If its shopping you want to do, go with your girl friends, and let your man head to the bar with his friends. Men don't WANT to hold your purse while you are trying on 10,000 pairs of jeans, Men don't care whether the curtains match the bedding, men don't care if your gal friend is having a mental breakdown because her cat died! I mean really girls are we that STUPID!?
How have we let ourselves become so backwards? We have not advanced our culture; we have repressed it. We have created fuzzy gender lines. Clarification, this is not about Homosexual vs. Heterosexual this is about being Clinically Male and Clinically Female.
We are different my friends. Let me say that one more time. WE ARE DIFFERENT!
Men be men! Stop thinking that you have to be all fluffy and frilly for your special lady friend, and girls stop emasculating your men!
God made men and women different for a reason. If HE took the time to make us different, then why in the world to we feel we have to be the same?
If I wanted to be with another woman, I'm going to chose a woman. I am not going to choose a man and then change him into a woman. You see were I am coming from? Girls if you don't want your man to be a man, then maybe you really need to look into yourself and question whether it is really a man you want.
No judgement. We are humans with needs and those needs need to be authentic, because if we sit around and lie to ourselves about who we are, then we are going to ruin other's lives trying to get them to be what we want, and that is so wrong!
Crazy, Stupid, Love. That is what it is. This movie is a MUST SEE. Men and Women MUST see this movie whether you are in a relationship or not. Because you know "LOVE" is CRAZY and it is STUPID. But, without it were would we be?
This is a personal reflection of my life. What I am feeling at any given moment. No names are used and general terms for people in my life are used to protect family and friends. What is written here is not for anyone to judge but to know that we all go through things and if you are feeling the same things I am, well you are certainly not alone.
Who Likes Me
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Long Drive Home
I understand now why when people are angry they go for a drive. It is not so much that you need to "get away" but perhaps you need to "get somewhere" whether it is an actual destination or an emotional destination, driving is a great way to do a lot of thinking and figuring things out.
I drove from Beaumont, CA to Goodyear, AZ today a 4.5 hour drive. Very easy drive Interstate 10 all the way. The long drive home was my time to think about all the things that I experienced over the past 6 days. Boy, that was a lot of information to process.
You have an opportunity during that long stretch of highway to evaluate each and every event. Almost like you are sorting out a filing cabinet and reorganizing the files. You get rid of the old files and you replace them with new ones. You relabel the folders and you fill those folders up with new information. Sometimes you have replace a whole folder with a brand new one, and sometimes a folder is no longer necessary so you can just throw that one out.
At the end you have a nice neat and organized filing cabinet. So, that is sort of like the memories of the experiences you have. Like the experiences I had during my California Adventure. I kept the memories I needed to keep, rearranged some stuff, and got rid of some stuff.
But, don't you sometimes go back to that trash can and fish out those old files because you convince yourself that maybe you need to hold on to them "just in case"? Well, we can't do that, we have to let go and move forward.
Now, I am suffering from some "back at home blues" but I will get over them. I will get back into my routine, make plans, make a lists of tasks that need to be accomplished in the next week.
I have one more free week until school starts and then it is back to work, back to reality, and back to life.
Still moving forward on the journey which encompasses so many things, I just hope that I don't give up on the journey too soon, that I get "comfortable" again with the status quo, that I let that filing cabinet of my experiences get messy again.
We will see....
I drove from Beaumont, CA to Goodyear, AZ today a 4.5 hour drive. Very easy drive Interstate 10 all the way. The long drive home was my time to think about all the things that I experienced over the past 6 days. Boy, that was a lot of information to process.
You have an opportunity during that long stretch of highway to evaluate each and every event. Almost like you are sorting out a filing cabinet and reorganizing the files. You get rid of the old files and you replace them with new ones. You relabel the folders and you fill those folders up with new information. Sometimes you have replace a whole folder with a brand new one, and sometimes a folder is no longer necessary so you can just throw that one out.
At the end you have a nice neat and organized filing cabinet. So, that is sort of like the memories of the experiences you have. Like the experiences I had during my California Adventure. I kept the memories I needed to keep, rearranged some stuff, and got rid of some stuff.
But, don't you sometimes go back to that trash can and fish out those old files because you convince yourself that maybe you need to hold on to them "just in case"? Well, we can't do that, we have to let go and move forward.
Now, I am suffering from some "back at home blues" but I will get over them. I will get back into my routine, make plans, make a lists of tasks that need to be accomplished in the next week.
I have one more free week until school starts and then it is back to work, back to reality, and back to life.
Still moving forward on the journey which encompasses so many things, I just hope that I don't give up on the journey too soon, that I get "comfortable" again with the status quo, that I let that filing cabinet of my experiences get messy again.
We will see....
California Adventure: Day 6
Thursday July 29th 2011
That was my last full day in California, and what a day it was. Actually it was the night that was spectacular. Going out with friends and having a great time is what made it so great.
You learn a lot about yourself when you go out and you let yourself relax. People tend to be more drawn to you, you find that people want to be around you and feel comfortable with you.
Meeting new people is a bit frightening, and sometimes these new people think that they can have more from you then you are will or able to give to them. That's when you learn if you have strength of character or not.
There is a fine line, one that I found myself standing precariously on the edge of. However, when you are with true friends who have your back you are empowered to make the best choices without sacrificing having fun or loosing your integrity as a human being.
But, these are life lessons that can be applied to all situation, and until you have actually experienced an array of situations in your life you are not armed with the experience to deal with any situation that comes across. Strength in character comes from the journey we go on. We can choose to not travel the path and stay stuck in one place, or we can hitch ourselves up and start moving down that path.
It can be a slow and painful journey at times, and sometime the path is hard even treacherous. Sometimes you get so use to the straight and narrow that when the path begins to veer in a different direction you are not always ready for it. Or if you are constantly looking down watching your every step so you don't stumble that you miss everything in front of you that has passed you by.
My journey began 6 days ago.
I'm not done yet, in fact I have a long way to go.
It has been my pleasure to share this experience with all of you.
GOD Bless You
That was my last full day in California, and what a day it was. Actually it was the night that was spectacular. Going out with friends and having a great time is what made it so great.
You learn a lot about yourself when you go out and you let yourself relax. People tend to be more drawn to you, you find that people want to be around you and feel comfortable with you.
Meeting new people is a bit frightening, and sometimes these new people think that they can have more from you then you are will or able to give to them. That's when you learn if you have strength of character or not.
There is a fine line, one that I found myself standing precariously on the edge of. However, when you are with true friends who have your back you are empowered to make the best choices without sacrificing having fun or loosing your integrity as a human being.
But, these are life lessons that can be applied to all situation, and until you have actually experienced an array of situations in your life you are not armed with the experience to deal with any situation that comes across. Strength in character comes from the journey we go on. We can choose to not travel the path and stay stuck in one place, or we can hitch ourselves up and start moving down that path.
It can be a slow and painful journey at times, and sometime the path is hard even treacherous. Sometimes you get so use to the straight and narrow that when the path begins to veer in a different direction you are not always ready for it. Or if you are constantly looking down watching your every step so you don't stumble that you miss everything in front of you that has passed you by.
My journey began 6 days ago.
I'm not done yet, in fact I have a long way to go.
It has been my pleasure to share this experience with all of you.
GOD Bless You
Thursday, July 28, 2011
California Adventure: Day 5
Wednesday July 28th
Well, yesterday wasn't much to write home about, you have those days when you are on vacation. Not everyday can be filled with activity and sometimes you just need to relax.
Well, relax I did. I didn't get my lazy butt moving until 2pm yesterday.
But, even though there was not activity didn't mean that I did not learn something from my day. I posted a question on Facebook which I will post here:
"Have you ever believed in something so much and believed it was the ultimate truth, only to realize that belief was a manifestation of ignorance and fear?"
My friends really didn't comment on it and those that did just assumed something was "wrong" with me or felt that they were above such humanly feelings.
I ended up deleting the post. But, my heart still asks that question. It isn't just one belief or truth I am talking about but more like a blanket understanding of life in general. I guess this week I have been faced with realities that I never really faced or wanted to face. I've made judgments of things that I really had no right to judge, and I've learned things about myself that scare the crap out of me.
So, yesterday was weird. I was nervous all day and even a bit obssessive, I kept trying to self-talk myself out of it. I got mad even treated someone unfairly.
This morning however, I feel as is the cosmos have realigned themselves. I got some more persective and I'm not as upset as I was. See, I let negativity in my day yesterday and that was my first mistake.
I believe that one thing I will need to start doing, is taking time in the morning and night to meditate on the day, to reach to GOD and to start my day with HIM filling me with positive energy and then at night having HIM release all the negative stuff out of me.
Also, I need to stop being so self-centered in the negative. It is okay to be self internal to live for yourself because trying to live for others is just exhausting, but to not be so self centered that you stamp on other people's feelings. That is what I need to learn. I get so angry and so hurt that instead of dealing with the situation in a positive way, I just simply lash out. That needs to stop.
So, today is a new day. I have always loved the line from "Anne of Green Gable" where Anne says:
"Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it."
So, here is to a new day! I am posting this video for you to enjoy. A very good friend shared this with me this morning, and it was just something that touched my heart and I hope it touches yours.
God Bless
Well, yesterday wasn't much to write home about, you have those days when you are on vacation. Not everyday can be filled with activity and sometimes you just need to relax.
Well, relax I did. I didn't get my lazy butt moving until 2pm yesterday.
But, even though there was not activity didn't mean that I did not learn something from my day. I posted a question on Facebook which I will post here:
"Have you ever believed in something so much and believed it was the ultimate truth, only to realize that belief was a manifestation of ignorance and fear?"
My friends really didn't comment on it and those that did just assumed something was "wrong" with me or felt that they were above such humanly feelings.
I ended up deleting the post. But, my heart still asks that question. It isn't just one belief or truth I am talking about but more like a blanket understanding of life in general. I guess this week I have been faced with realities that I never really faced or wanted to face. I've made judgments of things that I really had no right to judge, and I've learned things about myself that scare the crap out of me.
So, yesterday was weird. I was nervous all day and even a bit obssessive, I kept trying to self-talk myself out of it. I got mad even treated someone unfairly.
This morning however, I feel as is the cosmos have realigned themselves. I got some more persective and I'm not as upset as I was. See, I let negativity in my day yesterday and that was my first mistake.
I believe that one thing I will need to start doing, is taking time in the morning and night to meditate on the day, to reach to GOD and to start my day with HIM filling me with positive energy and then at night having HIM release all the negative stuff out of me.
Also, I need to stop being so self-centered in the negative. It is okay to be self internal to live for yourself because trying to live for others is just exhausting, but to not be so self centered that you stamp on other people's feelings. That is what I need to learn. I get so angry and so hurt that instead of dealing with the situation in a positive way, I just simply lash out. That needs to stop.
So, today is a new day. I have always loved the line from "Anne of Green Gable" where Anne says:
"Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it."
So, here is to a new day! I am posting this video for you to enjoy. A very good friend shared this with me this morning, and it was just something that touched my heart and I hope it touches yours.
God Bless
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
California Adventure: Day 4
Tuesday July 26th 2011
What an adventurous day! I have to say, Los Angles has certainly improved how they get you into the city and to all the surrounding areas! With a little time and patients, you don't have to really drive anywhere! The Metro Link will take you from San Bernardino to Union Station in LA and then from there you can take the Metro Line to various stops and then hop on any number of buses! For an all day pass during the day it is $23 and that covers ALL your connections!
The Metro Link uses existing Railroad lines and share them with the commercial trains. It is such an efficient system. I just don't understand why more Metro areas (PHOENIX) don't use the same system. Do you realize how much money would be saved if there was better mass transit?
Oh well, this blog isn't about Urban Transit.
My friend and I went to the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance.
Wow! I was touched and amazed. It was a wonderful experience.
So, on the subject of Tolerance. We use that word a lot don't we? "I only tolerate this." "How can you tolerate that person?" "We all need to have tolerance."
Well, what does that word actually mean?
What an adventurous day! I have to say, Los Angles has certainly improved how they get you into the city and to all the surrounding areas! With a little time and patients, you don't have to really drive anywhere! The Metro Link will take you from San Bernardino to Union Station in LA and then from there you can take the Metro Line to various stops and then hop on any number of buses! For an all day pass during the day it is $23 and that covers ALL your connections!
The Metro Link uses existing Railroad lines and share them with the commercial trains. It is such an efficient system. I just don't understand why more Metro areas (PHOENIX) don't use the same system. Do you realize how much money would be saved if there was better mass transit?
Oh well, this blog isn't about Urban Transit.
My friend and I went to the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance.
Wow! I was touched and amazed. It was a wonderful experience.
So, on the subject of Tolerance. We use that word a lot don't we? "I only tolerate this." "How can you tolerate that person?" "We all need to have tolerance."
Well, what does that word actually mean?
- is the practice of permitting a thing of which one disapproves, such as social, ethnic, sexual, or religious practices.
Here is the catch word "Permitting"
We hear that word a lot too. "I will not permit you to do that." "Will I be permitted to say this?" "You can't do that without a permit."
Well, here is the meaning of that word.
- Give authorization or consent to (someone) to do something
- Authorize or give permission for (something)
- (of a thing, circumstance, or condition) Provide an opportunity or scope for
- Allow for; admit of
Okay, so Tolerance is an active choice. To my way of thinking it really can't be "taught" per se, but more it has to be observed and practiced. You can't teach someone to be tolerant if you don't actively permit it yourself.
This is how I observed tolerance this week. My friend is very open with her life, through that openness and through the events in her life and through the journey and paths she has taken she began to allow tolerance in her life, for everything not just picking and choosing what to be tolerant in.
So, I think that is really the key, with tolerance you are either "All In" or "All Out"
You can't be "tolerant" of one thing but then not permit another thing. It is almost hypocritical, and the thing is that not everyone in this world thinks and behaves the same way. We are all humans living on this planet together, and yet we can't seem to just tolerate each other. We don't act like friends to our world neighbors, we use and manipulate them as they use and manipulate us.
What a better world it would be if the leaders just said, "You know what, I'm sorry for being a jerk to you and your country. It is not right of me to interfere in you life. Let's talk, let's work this out. I understand that your culture is different and while I may not agree with how you run your country, I know that we are intelligent humans who can talk and see eye to eye on some things."
Why don't we do this? For THOUSANDS of YEARS!!!! Two Millennium leaders have used intolerance to deal with issues. Don't you think it is enough? Maybe the world won't come to an end if we did this. We don't know the future, maybe if people got a long and loved each other, than maybe GOD won't have to come again, because we figured it out. We won't need a caretaker because we learned to take care of ourselves.
I think so many people look to GOD as this babysitter. "God will take care of me." "God is in control" "God will allow this." You know I don't think we give GOD enough credit, and I think we lessen HIS power by bringing HIM down to the role of "Caretaker"
God IS.
So, since that is true, then GOD is much more powerful than just being a babysitter, and more like a parent who raises their children in love and then sends them out into the world to face the future, I think that is what GOD does for us.
But, we are so scared to leave home! We want GOD to keep taking care of us, instead of going out there and continuing to grow by applying the lessons that GOD taught us. Through Prayer we go to GOD for guidance because everyone needs guidance. That is a no brain-er.
But, for humans to just latch on and hang on the coat tails of GOD and never let go, I think is a bit immature. GOD wants us to be strong! HE wants us to make our own decisions using the lessons that we learned from HIM. HE knows we are going to screw up, but like a loving parent, HE is there and HE loves us so much that HE will give us a great big hug and then lovingly kick our asses, and say. "REALLY??!! Are you kidding me?" Then HE will reposition us and put us back on the road and out the door.
Really Friends? Really?? do you Really want that?
I don't.
Choosing to leave the nest is scary. Choosing to go out there and live your life, take risks and make mistakes scares the hell out of most people. But, friends if it wasn't scary then were is the challenge?
If the apostles didn't take a risk they would be still sitting in that upper room, waiting for GOD to take care of them.
Face your fears friends! Be Tolerant of ALL people! Every human being you come into contact, look at them and see GOD in them. God created ALL off us and HE lives in ALL of us.
My challenge for you: See Jesus in your fellow man today. See Jesus in your enemies. See Jesus in yourself. Then once you've seen Jesus, forgive as Jesus forgave.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
California Adventure: Day 3
What a great way to start the week.
Coffee, lounging in bed, then getting out when you want to eating breakfast and talking to my dear friend for what seems like hours, then going out and having fun. That is the best life can offer.
What I have decided is that I am too young to be old. I will be 39 this year, and I am going to revel in it. Why be old? What is the point of it all? I think so many people have just gotten old because they have allowed the pressures of life to weigh down on them so hard.
As my friend and I were talking we discussed Toxic Relationships.
Come on you know exactly what I am talking about, those relationships that feed off the negative.
Those friends in your life that just seem to always have a "bad day" or who feel they need to "fix" what they perceive is wrong with you so they don't have to deal with their miserable lives. Those co-dependant relationships were you feel compelled to stay in them because that person has some serious hurt going on but you don't want to have the guilt that they have laid on you by leaving the relationship.
Please don't misunderstand me, it does take 2 people to make a relationship, but someone has got to take control of the situations, and that my friends is up to you. Of course you don't want anyone to be hurt and a person should never treat another person with meanness of spirit. I feel that we can all deal with our relationships in loving manners and set boundaries that protect the spirit of all those involved.
Remember, it is about you. Not the selfish, self-centered you, but the idea that you need to love yourself first before you can be in any type of relationship with anyone. So many people are in relationships for the other person. These people are known for wanting others to be happy and they sacrifice their own happiness, many become martyrs, many become depressed, many engage in unhealthy activities or habits because they can't cope with the other person's problems as well as their own.
My friends, lets look at this from a different angle. What sort of friend are you if you are constantly talking negatively? Yes, it perfectly fine to talk abut how you may not be doing good today, or that you are struggling with an issue, that is perfectly fine. But, if you are constantly having a bad day, if you are constantly dealing with an issue, then maybe you need to consider that there is a problem and you need to fix it.
My friend told me that she would never not care for someone, but if they are toxic she will back off. Granted she will try to help and give them guidance but if they are constantly doing the same negative and unhealthy behaviors over and over, then you can't be attached to that behavior because it brings you down. However is she has a friend who is struggling and really is making an effort to change but just keeps running into walls, she is going to do what she can to guide that person.
Notice how I said "guide" or give "guidance" not "Help" not "Tell what to do" That is one thing I respect about my friend, she talks to you in a way were she is not giving you advice on specifically what you need to do, she is talking to you and presenting different choices and options but leaving the whole matter up to you. Yet, she never judges a situation and she believes that all situations are valid. People struggle with life, jobs, families and relationships. We are humans and we tend to do silly things. So, why judge others? It would be like casting stones at yourself, being a hypocrite.
Don't be a toxic person. Embrace your life as God has given to you. I have begun to notice that people are stuck in place and made to feel guilty by an established moral code. I'm not saying that morality and ethics are not important, but when another's morality is suppressing another persons' right to live their life, that is wrong.
God loves us all, HE doesn't make mistakes. So, why are we telling people they are "bad" for being who they are? Shouldn't we be tolerant as our Savior is? We say that Jesus Christ died for all people, yet we judge and treat others who don't live to OUR standards as unworthy of Christ's love.
Boy, I'll tell you what friends, I've made some changes over this week. When I return home many of you are going to be a little nervous, and that is okay. I've had to build the courage to change, to step back from toxic relationships, to own my life, to live for me, to love me, to find MY joy.
I feel like a more tolerant individual, yeah I will probably fall into old behaviors but, I am moving in a forward motion to take my life back and to do it with love and respect for all those in my life.
In one year I will be 40 years old. I want to go into my 40th year of life with a new sense of self. With a passion for me, I want to be in love with me, I want to be convinced that I am sexy and beautiful not because others say I am but because I KNOW I am.
Moving forward today and Day 4 of my California Adventure.
God Bless You
Coffee, lounging in bed, then getting out when you want to eating breakfast and talking to my dear friend for what seems like hours, then going out and having fun. That is the best life can offer.
What I have decided is that I am too young to be old. I will be 39 this year, and I am going to revel in it. Why be old? What is the point of it all? I think so many people have just gotten old because they have allowed the pressures of life to weigh down on them so hard.
As my friend and I were talking we discussed Toxic Relationships.
Come on you know exactly what I am talking about, those relationships that feed off the negative.
Those friends in your life that just seem to always have a "bad day" or who feel they need to "fix" what they perceive is wrong with you so they don't have to deal with their miserable lives. Those co-dependant relationships were you feel compelled to stay in them because that person has some serious hurt going on but you don't want to have the guilt that they have laid on you by leaving the relationship.
Please don't misunderstand me, it does take 2 people to make a relationship, but someone has got to take control of the situations, and that my friends is up to you. Of course you don't want anyone to be hurt and a person should never treat another person with meanness of spirit. I feel that we can all deal with our relationships in loving manners and set boundaries that protect the spirit of all those involved.
Remember, it is about you. Not the selfish, self-centered you, but the idea that you need to love yourself first before you can be in any type of relationship with anyone. So many people are in relationships for the other person. These people are known for wanting others to be happy and they sacrifice their own happiness, many become martyrs, many become depressed, many engage in unhealthy activities or habits because they can't cope with the other person's problems as well as their own.
My friends, lets look at this from a different angle. What sort of friend are you if you are constantly talking negatively? Yes, it perfectly fine to talk abut how you may not be doing good today, or that you are struggling with an issue, that is perfectly fine. But, if you are constantly having a bad day, if you are constantly dealing with an issue, then maybe you need to consider that there is a problem and you need to fix it.
My friend told me that she would never not care for someone, but if they are toxic she will back off. Granted she will try to help and give them guidance but if they are constantly doing the same negative and unhealthy behaviors over and over, then you can't be attached to that behavior because it brings you down. However is she has a friend who is struggling and really is making an effort to change but just keeps running into walls, she is going to do what she can to guide that person.
Notice how I said "guide" or give "guidance" not "Help" not "Tell what to do" That is one thing I respect about my friend, she talks to you in a way were she is not giving you advice on specifically what you need to do, she is talking to you and presenting different choices and options but leaving the whole matter up to you. Yet, she never judges a situation and she believes that all situations are valid. People struggle with life, jobs, families and relationships. We are humans and we tend to do silly things. So, why judge others? It would be like casting stones at yourself, being a hypocrite.
Don't be a toxic person. Embrace your life as God has given to you. I have begun to notice that people are stuck in place and made to feel guilty by an established moral code. I'm not saying that morality and ethics are not important, but when another's morality is suppressing another persons' right to live their life, that is wrong.
God loves us all, HE doesn't make mistakes. So, why are we telling people they are "bad" for being who they are? Shouldn't we be tolerant as our Savior is? We say that Jesus Christ died for all people, yet we judge and treat others who don't live to OUR standards as unworthy of Christ's love.
Boy, I'll tell you what friends, I've made some changes over this week. When I return home many of you are going to be a little nervous, and that is okay. I've had to build the courage to change, to step back from toxic relationships, to own my life, to live for me, to love me, to find MY joy.
I feel like a more tolerant individual, yeah I will probably fall into old behaviors but, I am moving in a forward motion to take my life back and to do it with love and respect for all those in my life.
In one year I will be 40 years old. I want to go into my 40th year of life with a new sense of self. With a passion for me, I want to be in love with me, I want to be convinced that I am sexy and beautiful not because others say I am but because I KNOW I am.
Moving forward today and Day 4 of my California Adventure.
God Bless You
Sunday, July 24, 2011
California Adventure: Day 2
It is 10:16pm July 24th, and Day 2 of my California Adventure.
Today was awesome! Got up, lazed around for a while, wrote my blog, felt completely rested. My friend made this delicious breakfast. Huevo Ranchero....(Egg, beans, cheese, salsa, on a tostada shell)...Yummmy!!!!!!!
Then my friends and I talked and talked. We had the best conversation. I found out that we all share very common ideas about the government, education, health and fitness. It was so nice to talk to someone who is so open minded about stuff. It felt good to have an intellectual conversation where all parties felt respected and their ideologies accepted without question or judgement. I learned a lot about things that I was afraid to ask about, and I have come to a new respect in things I have been taught my whole life to fear.
See, fear is a killer, and people think that fear is manifested by some tragic event, but fear comes in all shapes and sizes. My fear is being judged. I don't do things because I am afraid of what others will think of me. I am afraid to explore myself and who I am because I am afraid that others will not understand or will not accept changes that I need to make in my life.
The changes have to come, and people will just have to accept those changes and either choose to live with them and enjoy life or not accept the changes and be miserable.
I need the openness of life. I have been trapped in a gilded cage for way too long, it is time to break free, and it is time to live.
After a conversation in self discovering we went to Oak Glen, CA which is about 10 mins up the mountain from my friend's home. We stopped to look at this gorgeous house! Wow! I want it...it was so beautiful! Every window had a gorgeous view! But, alas dreams are a wish your heart makes.......oh the heck with it! LOL...
We went up to Oak Glen, CA and looked at some of the cute shops. Then went to the outlet stores and then decided we were tired, hit the grocery store bought some yummy food and headed back to my friend's home.
The night just progressed so pleasantly. We ate, talked. Life is Good...
It is rare to find friends like this. We have many different types of friends in life. Some are just acquaintances, some are there when you need them, and then there are some that are on a completely different level and it is those friends that inspire you. A person does not have many of these type of friends...one maybe two if they are lucky.
I challenge you all to find that friend. It is that friend you can be YOU with. It is that friend who lets you make mistakes and laughs when you do. It is that friend who you feel so connected with that the feelings you have for them are so much deeper then the the everyday friends we have in our lives.
I'm blessed, I have this type of friend.
Today was awesome! Got up, lazed around for a while, wrote my blog, felt completely rested. My friend made this delicious breakfast. Huevo Ranchero....(Egg, beans, cheese, salsa, on a tostada shell)...Yummmy!!!!!!!
Then my friends and I talked and talked. We had the best conversation. I found out that we all share very common ideas about the government, education, health and fitness. It was so nice to talk to someone who is so open minded about stuff. It felt good to have an intellectual conversation where all parties felt respected and their ideologies accepted without question or judgement. I learned a lot about things that I was afraid to ask about, and I have come to a new respect in things I have been taught my whole life to fear.
See, fear is a killer, and people think that fear is manifested by some tragic event, but fear comes in all shapes and sizes. My fear is being judged. I don't do things because I am afraid of what others will think of me. I am afraid to explore myself and who I am because I am afraid that others will not understand or will not accept changes that I need to make in my life.
The changes have to come, and people will just have to accept those changes and either choose to live with them and enjoy life or not accept the changes and be miserable.
I need the openness of life. I have been trapped in a gilded cage for way too long, it is time to break free, and it is time to live.
After a conversation in self discovering we went to Oak Glen, CA which is about 10 mins up the mountain from my friend's home. We stopped to look at this gorgeous house! Wow! I want it...it was so beautiful! Every window had a gorgeous view! But, alas dreams are a wish your heart makes.......oh the heck with it! LOL...
We went up to Oak Glen, CA and looked at some of the cute shops. Then went to the outlet stores and then decided we were tired, hit the grocery store bought some yummy food and headed back to my friend's home.
The night just progressed so pleasantly. We ate, talked. Life is Good...
It is rare to find friends like this. We have many different types of friends in life. Some are just acquaintances, some are there when you need them, and then there are some that are on a completely different level and it is those friends that inspire you. A person does not have many of these type of friends...one maybe two if they are lucky.
I challenge you all to find that friend. It is that friend you can be YOU with. It is that friend who lets you make mistakes and laughs when you do. It is that friend who you feel so connected with that the feelings you have for them are so much deeper then the the everyday friends we have in our lives.
I'm blessed, I have this type of friend.
California Adventure: Day 1
Well, it is almost 8am. I didn't get to bed until 3am. We had such a good time!
I got to my friends' home Saturday 7/23, and as soon as I got there it was like we hadn't been separated for 13 years. We just picked it right up.
A lot has changed over the years though, and I admire my friend so much. In fact, she has made some very positive changes in her life that I can see myself doing. It is just a matter of me getting on that right track.
I'm slowly getting there. My metamorphis so to speak started in January when I started with Sedona Palms, and so far I have been successful, well at least I think so.
See here is the thing folks. I may have changed "Physically" but I have not changed "Mentally/Emotionally" I am this thin sexy woman with the mindset of an overweight self conscience woman who keeps everyone at arms length.
I know I can be a very friendly person, I know that. but I get so overwhelmed in social situation that I freeze up, and I don't know what to say, and then I sit there and I mull it over and think..."Okay, should I say this? No that's stupid. Or, should I say that? No that's stupid too!" Then by the time I've worked up the courage to start a conversation with someone, the opportunity becomes lost. Then I am feeling rejected.
See this is what I just can't stand about myself. I can't stand this feeling of inadequecy that I'm not good enough to be around other much "cooler" people.
My friend was concerned that maybe I wasn't having fun, and I was! I truly truly was! I just need to get over this awkward phase. I love my friend, she is just so vivacious! She allows nothing negative in her life, and if something negative does creep in she deals with it constructively and moves on.
Don't get me wrong folks it is not like my friend has some super powers, she had a very bad life for a long time, this positive attitude that she now embodies took a long time for her to cultivate, but she said that while it was the most difficult journey she ever took the final destination is so well worth it.
So, Day 1 I learned about being positive and taking things in stride....now we will see what Day 2 has in store for me!
I got to my friends' home Saturday 7/23, and as soon as I got there it was like we hadn't been separated for 13 years. We just picked it right up.
A lot has changed over the years though, and I admire my friend so much. In fact, she has made some very positive changes in her life that I can see myself doing. It is just a matter of me getting on that right track.
I'm slowly getting there. My metamorphis so to speak started in January when I started with Sedona Palms, and so far I have been successful, well at least I think so.
See here is the thing folks. I may have changed "Physically" but I have not changed "Mentally/Emotionally" I am this thin sexy woman with the mindset of an overweight self conscience woman who keeps everyone at arms length.
I know I can be a very friendly person, I know that. but I get so overwhelmed in social situation that I freeze up, and I don't know what to say, and then I sit there and I mull it over and think..."Okay, should I say this? No that's stupid. Or, should I say that? No that's stupid too!" Then by the time I've worked up the courage to start a conversation with someone, the opportunity becomes lost. Then I am feeling rejected.
See this is what I just can't stand about myself. I can't stand this feeling of inadequecy that I'm not good enough to be around other much "cooler" people.
My friend was concerned that maybe I wasn't having fun, and I was! I truly truly was! I just need to get over this awkward phase. I love my friend, she is just so vivacious! She allows nothing negative in her life, and if something negative does creep in she deals with it constructively and moves on.
Don't get me wrong folks it is not like my friend has some super powers, she had a very bad life for a long time, this positive attitude that she now embodies took a long time for her to cultivate, but she said that while it was the most difficult journey she ever took the final destination is so well worth it.
So, Day 1 I learned about being positive and taking things in stride....now we will see what Day 2 has in store for me!
Friday, July 22, 2011
My California Friend...
I decided to write this post the evening before going to California for my big "I'm going to go crazy and have a great time." trip! Well, I don't know how crazy exactly. Knowing me it will be pretty tame.
However, going to California would not be possible without my dear friend. Remember I do not use names on my blog but those of you who know me, will know who I am talking about.
Anyway, rewind to June 1989. I was making my way to Japan, as an exchange student. My first stop on this journey was California, specifically USC. All of the students going to Japan with AFS that June met up there. We had to spend the night in the dorms before heading the airport the next day. It was easier this way because we were all in one place at one time since we were all coming from different parts of the country.
I met my friend there. Actually at dinner. See, I was really awkward and shy. I was overweight and it just seemed like I could never make friends with anyone. It just seemed like no matter how nice I thought I was being no one liked me. It was very depressing.
Anyway, this beautiful fashionable girl starts chatting me up. We end up eating super together. She was really nice. I figured that was the end of that. Well, as it turned out she and I ended up sitting together on a 10 hour flight to Japan, and we talked the entire 10 hours. I can't tell you what it was about her, or what she saw in me, but it was like we were kindred spirits meant to meet and be friends.
We got to Japan and spent 4 days at the National Youth Center in Tokyo for "cultural training" We didn't see each other much during those 4 days, and I did end up making another friend too, but when we did catch up with each other, it was like she was still my best-est friend.
After the 4 days, we all split up and headed to our prospective host families throughout Japan, my friend stayed on the big island of Honshu while I was north on the island of Hokkaido. We wrote to each other practically every week. See in 1989, there was no internet or email.
When our exchange program was over we met up once again in Tokyo, and due to circumstances beyond our control, 64 American Exchange students were delayed in going home when scheduled. So, AFS-Japan put us up in this very exclusive hotel in Tokyo. I believe it was called the "Imperial Hotel" but I can't remember. All I do know, is when you get 64 American teenagers together without adult supervision in a foreign country with no drinking age....it becomes interesting.
My friend, taught me how to be "bad" well, she would laugh at that and say she never taught me anything, that everything I did was my choice, and she is 100% correct. But, I have to say...I learned how to smoke cigarettes from her and how to have a good time an not feel guilty.
Our exploits that night in Tokyo are some of the best memories I have. In fact, my entire time in Japan was the best in my life.
But, all good things end, and my friend and I had to say our goodbyes. She went back to her home in California and I went back to my home in Pennsylvania.
We kept in touch and in 1995, we met up again. I was spending a month with my brother in Utah and decided to take a side trip to California to visit my friend. We had a wonderful 4 days together. We went all over, out to clubs it was so much fun. But, I felt so awkward, I always did when I was with her. Because she was so beautiful and people just were like magnets to her. I wanted to be just like her. Hell, I still do!
Again, our lives separated and we were reunited 2 more times. When I was 2 months pregnant with Jesse and then just after Jesse was born....and then after that no contact for 13 years.
It was not for anything except each of us were traveling on different paths in our lives and sometime friends have to travel separate roads for a while. It is just how things are.
Thank God for Facebook! My friend and I after 13 years were reunited, and it was like those 13 years never happened! We picked up right were we left off. Except now I'm 150lbs thinner, and a lot more confident!
I have a great feeling about this week. So for the next 7 days, my blogs will be dedicated to my California Adventure!
However, going to California would not be possible without my dear friend. Remember I do not use names on my blog but those of you who know me, will know who I am talking about.
Anyway, rewind to June 1989. I was making my way to Japan, as an exchange student. My first stop on this journey was California, specifically USC. All of the students going to Japan with AFS that June met up there. We had to spend the night in the dorms before heading the airport the next day. It was easier this way because we were all in one place at one time since we were all coming from different parts of the country.
I met my friend there. Actually at dinner. See, I was really awkward and shy. I was overweight and it just seemed like I could never make friends with anyone. It just seemed like no matter how nice I thought I was being no one liked me. It was very depressing.
Anyway, this beautiful fashionable girl starts chatting me up. We end up eating super together. She was really nice. I figured that was the end of that. Well, as it turned out she and I ended up sitting together on a 10 hour flight to Japan, and we talked the entire 10 hours. I can't tell you what it was about her, or what she saw in me, but it was like we were kindred spirits meant to meet and be friends.
We got to Japan and spent 4 days at the National Youth Center in Tokyo for "cultural training" We didn't see each other much during those 4 days, and I did end up making another friend too, but when we did catch up with each other, it was like she was still my best-est friend.
After the 4 days, we all split up and headed to our prospective host families throughout Japan, my friend stayed on the big island of Honshu while I was north on the island of Hokkaido. We wrote to each other practically every week. See in 1989, there was no internet or email.
When our exchange program was over we met up once again in Tokyo, and due to circumstances beyond our control, 64 American Exchange students were delayed in going home when scheduled. So, AFS-Japan put us up in this very exclusive hotel in Tokyo. I believe it was called the "Imperial Hotel" but I can't remember. All I do know, is when you get 64 American teenagers together without adult supervision in a foreign country with no drinking age....it becomes interesting.
My friend, taught me how to be "bad" well, she would laugh at that and say she never taught me anything, that everything I did was my choice, and she is 100% correct. But, I have to say...I learned how to smoke cigarettes from her and how to have a good time an not feel guilty.
Our exploits that night in Tokyo are some of the best memories I have. In fact, my entire time in Japan was the best in my life.
But, all good things end, and my friend and I had to say our goodbyes. She went back to her home in California and I went back to my home in Pennsylvania.
We kept in touch and in 1995, we met up again. I was spending a month with my brother in Utah and decided to take a side trip to California to visit my friend. We had a wonderful 4 days together. We went all over, out to clubs it was so much fun. But, I felt so awkward, I always did when I was with her. Because she was so beautiful and people just were like magnets to her. I wanted to be just like her. Hell, I still do!
Again, our lives separated and we were reunited 2 more times. When I was 2 months pregnant with Jesse and then just after Jesse was born....and then after that no contact for 13 years.
It was not for anything except each of us were traveling on different paths in our lives and sometime friends have to travel separate roads for a while. It is just how things are.
Thank God for Facebook! My friend and I after 13 years were reunited, and it was like those 13 years never happened! We picked up right were we left off. Except now I'm 150lbs thinner, and a lot more confident!
I have a great feeling about this week. So for the next 7 days, my blogs will be dedicated to my California Adventure!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Memoirs of a Geisha
One of my favorite movies and now my all time favorite book! "Memoirs of a Geisha" by Arthur Golden. This book follows the fictional telling of the life of Geisha Sayuri in 1930's Japan.
The biggest misconception of Geisha to most Westerners is that Geisha are nothing more than "High Class Prostitutes" nothing can be further than the truth.
The word "Geisha" is actually two Japanese words, Gei meaning art, and Sha meaning person. So basically, the word "Geisha" means Artist.
So why would an American with no Japanese heritage want to blog about a traditional Japanese cultural trait. Simple, I'm an Anthropologist, and as an Anthropologist I study cultures, and Japanese Geisha culture fascinates me.
Without going to far back into history let's just start when Geisha culture began in Kyoto, which is known as the "home of Geisha" or the "Home of the Beauty Obsessed Elite" in this place women of high intellect and skills trained tirelessly to become part of the Geisha world.
The Geisha world is as secretive as any sorority of sisterhood could possibly be. So much so that the author of "Memoirs of a Geisha" was sued by the woman who provided information to him because he identified her in his acknowledgement therefore subjecting this woman to scrutiny to the point of death threats, that is how secretive this lifestyle is.
Why blog about Geisha? Have you ever wanted to do something in your life that was so totally out of the norm, that even the idea of doing it was taboo? Well, I will share a secret with my readers. I have always had a fantasy of being a Geisha. I find the world magical and beautiful. To be able to have a man's complete and undivided attention all because of your mystical beauty. To be a performing living piece of art. To have men and women stop in their tracks as you pass by them, and to be treated like the most precious commodity on earth. That to me is what a life of a Geisha would be.
I understand that it is a very difficult life. Starting in some case as early as 3 years old. Some girls, like the fictional Sayuri were actually sold into Okiya (Geisha Houses) as children, but this practice was actually outlawed and not at all common when it was allowed.
Mostly Geisha were born into it. Girl started off as apprentice Geisha called Maiko, and they would learn their profession just like any person would learn, by watching then doing. Maikos would also attend special schools were they learned dance, art, and music. The Maiko was "owned" by the Okiya which would provide her with food, shelter and Kimono, as well as anything else she would need for her profession. Like any other profession the Maiko would have a mentor or a Big Sister, Onee-san. Who would be responsible for the Maiko's education.
Being a Maiko is not just about learning how to be "pretty and talented" but learning how to network the complex social web of Japanese High Society. It is an exhausting learning experience that only the best Maikos can navigate successfully assuring their future success as a Geisha.
Geisha are not prostitutes, granted there are some women who call themselves "geisha" and do sell their bodies for sex, but these women are low class and not accepted in the formal world of the True Geisha. A true Geisha's sex life is her own personal private life and who she choose to have or not have sex with is her business and her business only. A successful Geisha can entertain her male guest with music, dance, and conversation, and are considered to be most financially and emotionally successful and strongest women in Japan.
Just that alone makes the profession of Geisha exciting. to be a emotionally successful woman. How many professions for women can tote that barge? Can nurses be emotionally successful? Can teachers be emotionally successful? NO....but a Geisha she can be emotionally successful. To me being emotionally successful means to everyday never worry about your life, to be assured of your skills and to own your life. It is much more than just "job satisfaction" it is satisfaction with who you are and what your life is. It is a very powerful condition.
The thing with Geisha is that it makes adultery acceptable. Okay Okay, I know I just stepped on the toes of every Christian Moralistic Western Human-being who has been taught since infancy "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" Well friends, this blog isn't about morals it is about fantasy. So, either deal with it or stop reading now.
Okay, so... The Geisha to her male clients has a totally different relationship with that man then his wife does. See where the ideal wife is submissive, dutiful, and modest. The Geisha is empowered, in charge, and sexy. The wife is somber and responsible were the Geisha is carefree and exciting. Geisha do not marry. They can if they want, but then they have to retire so that sort of negates the whole idea of Geisha right?
Geisha are experts in the art of flirting, and they are always in control and highly hospitable. Geisha can think on her feet and adjust to accommodate any situation to make any guest feel comfortable and content. These are some of the most successful business women in Japan, so why would a woman not want to be a Geisha if she could?
There are some women who think Geisha are exploited women, but if you talk to a Geisha she will tell you that she is the most liberated of women. Why do you think that is? It is because she is free. People who think that women are exploited because they chose to "entertain" I believe are just simply jealous because their own lives are so boring and dull. Who wouldn't want to be catered too? Dressed in the most gorgeous clothing? Be around some of the most fascinating people? Have men hanging on your every word? Be the sole object of all fantasy?
Be honest ladies...you'd want that right? In your deepest fantasies you'd want that. To be in control at all times is the most empowering thing a woman can do.
I challenge each woman who reads this blog out there to find their "Inner Geisha" learn to be a piece of living art. Be in control of who you are, what you do, and be in charge of your sexual lives.
Remember: "legitimate geisha do not engage in paid sex with clients. Their purpose is to entertain their customer, be it by dancing, reciting verse, playing musical instruments, or engaging in light conversation. Geisha engagements may include flirting with men and playful innuendos; however, clients know that nothing more can be expected. In a social style that is common in Japan, men are amused by the illusion of that which is never to be."
Perhaps we "Western" women can learn a thing or two from our Geisha sisters?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I Want to Go to Camp!
Every year since Channah was a Brownie Girl Scout, I have sent her to Girl Scout Camp for one week in the summer, and every year I ENVY HER!!! I want to go to Camp!!!
You see, Channah is a "legacy" she is following in my footsteps. I spent 2 weeks every summer at camp from the time I was 7 years old until I was 15. I looked forward to camp every summer. I would always go in July and I would always end up missing my mom's birthday. (Sorry Mom)
My first experience at camp was Camp Wood Haven, in the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania. I can honestly say that my first experience was certainly nothing to write home about. It rained, the counselors were not all that nice, the girls were not very nice to me, and to top it all off I fall and cut up my hands so badly that I get little stones embedded in my palms and it takes 3 days to get them all out. Let me just tell you it was excruciating!
You know you'd think after that experience I would never want to go camping again, and that was true I didn't well, not at Wood Haven anyway. A friend of my mom's told her how much her daughter loved Camp Mosey Wood in the Pocono Mountains.
So, the following summer I went to Camp Mosey Wood and I was hooked! The camp was Beautiful! It had its own lake that was docked off to make a swimming area with a little beach and a boating area with a dock and boat house.
The Units were large and well kept and the staff was wonderful! I loved how all the counselors had "Camp Names" like: Jellybean, Turtle, Spike and LuLu.
I remember looking up to my counselors as a child. I thought they were the coolest girls in the world and I wanted to be just like them! They had the coolest job, they got to live at camp all summer and play with us campers, how cool was that?!
Camp Mosey Wood became my home away from home. I made friends with girls I will never forget, learned life experiences that I still apply today, and came to love everything that there is to love about Girl Scouting.
I was not in an active troop when I was younger once I got to Cadettes (6th grade) There was not a troop in my town and my parents just were not able to get me to the meetings of a troop that met in the next town. So, all of my Girl Scouting experience occurred at Camp. I think because of that, I have a different appreciation for Scouting. I saw a different side, the side that was not all crafts and games, but life skills and survival.
You learn a lot about yourself when you go to Camp, so long as you are willing to have an education. You learn how to deal with people, how to live with people, how to be tolerant of other people, and how to respect other people. Your ideas are challenged and you come to find out things about yourself that you sometimes are afraid to explore.
Camp for me was a lifestyle. It was what I became and what I was as a girl. It shaped my life and help me find the path to my life.
It was because of camp that I knew teaching in some way shape or form would be what I would do in my life, and I also knew that one day I would be one of those cool counselors with the neat names.
My dream came true my Junior Year of college, I got hired at Camp Mosey Wood as a Counselor or an Assistant Unit Leader. I chose the camp name Kit after my favorite character in children's literature; the Newbury Award Wining novel "The Witch of Blackbird Pond" by Elizabeth George Spears, and for 2 summers I was Kit, the elusive counselor who could silence the girls with a glance, sing in harmony with the other counselors, shoot a mean bow and arrow, and teach the girls how to cook eggs in an orange. (if you want, ask me and I will give you the recipe)
When I eventually graduated from college, got my BA and MA, got married and had a daughter of my own, I passed on the legacy to her. I became a Girl Scout leader with an awesome troop, made many friends with some fantastic ladies, and have had the blessing to shape the lives of some extraordinarily beautiful girls, including my own daughter.
Now its my daughters turn, I have passed the torch on to her. She will soon be going to camp, not as a camper, but as a CIT (Counselor in Training) and then eventually as a counselor, taking with her the knowledge and love of Girl Scouting that I have been able to pass on to her.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Introducing Aliaga
So, I figured I would tell you all a little about Aliaga.
She is my alter ego when I play Dungeons and Dragons.
I really admire Aliaga, she is quite a strong and beautiful woman, with some awesome powers. Aliaga is friends with a Paladin named Dalmarthgar who is more like an over sized pet, and a goofy dwarf named Jomedithas aka McDwarf-Lord. On their recent travels Aliaga and her friends meet up with the handsome rouge Garrett, beautiful Mage Lora and the elusive Half Demon Ranger Vee.
These friends find themselves in Shadow Keep, fighting all sorts of evil creatures.
They have become an exciting group of adventurers. Their quest is to find out why the Shadow Keep has fallen under a dark spell and why the people of Winter Haven are scared to death of the Shadow Keep.
Defeating giant rats, goblins, drakes...O My! They search the Shadow Keep looking for a group of Occult member who have been terrorizing the nearby towns.
There are times when I would love to have Aliaga's life.She is very wise, and she is intuitive. I imagine she has a sad past, being half elf and half human she has had to deal with her mixed race in which I am sure many don't accept. She has chosen to live a holy life living in the service of Bahmut, who is a lawful good draconic deity who is stern and disapproving of evil. Aliaga is like her deity where she is compassionate and has boundless empathy for the weak and downtrodden. She excels in the healing arts, and often times has to heal Dalmathgar when he find himself injured to the point of almost death.
Aliaga gets a long with the beautiful Lora, she admires the Mage's power and often times finds herself consulting with her. Vee has also become a confidant.Vee tends to be on her guard constantly but Aliaga depends on her wise council.
Like friends in real life, this group sticks together in times of trial, they rejoice in victories and even though they are fighting evil they have fun anytime they are together.
She is my alter ego when I play Dungeons and Dragons.
I really admire Aliaga, she is quite a strong and beautiful woman, with some awesome powers. Aliaga is friends with a Paladin named Dalmarthgar who is more like an over sized pet, and a goofy dwarf named Jomedithas aka McDwarf-Lord. On their recent travels Aliaga and her friends meet up with the handsome rouge Garrett, beautiful Mage Lora and the elusive Half Demon Ranger Vee.
These friends find themselves in Shadow Keep, fighting all sorts of evil creatures.
They have become an exciting group of adventurers. Their quest is to find out why the Shadow Keep has fallen under a dark spell and why the people of Winter Haven are scared to death of the Shadow Keep.
Defeating giant rats, goblins, drakes...O My! They search the Shadow Keep looking for a group of Occult member who have been terrorizing the nearby towns.
There are times when I would love to have Aliaga's life.She is very wise, and she is intuitive. I imagine she has a sad past, being half elf and half human she has had to deal with her mixed race in which I am sure many don't accept. She has chosen to live a holy life living in the service of Bahmut, who is a lawful good draconic deity who is stern and disapproving of evil. Aliaga is like her deity where she is compassionate and has boundless empathy for the weak and downtrodden. She excels in the healing arts, and often times has to heal Dalmathgar when he find himself injured to the point of almost death.
Aliaga gets a long with the beautiful Lora, she admires the Mage's power and often times finds herself consulting with her. Vee has also become a confidant.Vee tends to be on her guard constantly but Aliaga depends on her wise council.
Like friends in real life, this group sticks together in times of trial, they rejoice in victories and even though they are fighting evil they have fun anytime they are together.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Unless You Have Walked In My Shoes You Will Never Understand...
I often wonder where people get the idea that they know so much about other people. Just because they may have more education, more life experience, or more opportunities. However, all that is well and good when dealing with your own life, but when you have to consider someone else life all the education, all the experience, and all the opportunities are not going to be able to get you to truly understand someone. You have to walk in their shoes, which means you have to know where they are coming from.
So, here is where this gets hard. Especially for my readers out there that will have absolutely no experience in this situation.
It is inconsiderate of anyone to suggest that the reason why people are obese is because they are lazy and have no motivation. That is a bunch of bull, and it shouldn't even be allowed in intelligent conversation.
That is the argument that all the skinny people in the world like to say when they judge those of us who are obese. I have heard this all of my life from the Skinny People of the world, and you know what I'm sick of it.
Who do they think they are to sit in judgement of me? If I were to say something like, skinny people are only skinny because all they do is shove their fingers down their throats, I would be making a blind judgement right? I would be put in my place by all the skinny people and told that I was being callous and that I had no right to make such demeaning statements.
But, have a skinny person say that obese people are lazy and unmotivated that is perfectly socially acceptable. Because as we all know it is the skinny people who rule the world.
How many of my friends out there who suffer from the disease of obesity have been overlooked for promotions for it only to go to a skinny person with less qualifications as you? What makes this even worse is as of right now there is nothing anyone can do to advocate for them.
Obese people are the largest and most discriminated group out there, and we will continue to be discriminated against unless we stand up.
I'm not saying that as obese people we should continue in a life style that is destructive. I am not saying that at all, but how can all of the people out there who are suffering from obesity find the voice to fight back if no one will listen. How can they possibly hope for a better life, if no one cares?
Well, I care. I care because I've been there, and I still consider myself as obese. Like an alcoholic who has gone into rehab and has worked the "steps" they are never cured, they are always in recovery because one sip of alcohol will push them over the edge. That is the same thing for an obese person.
Sure, we can go on diets, lose weight...but if we don't fight everyday, if we don't work our "steps" everyday, every moment then those pounds will come back on and we will spiral down that destructive path again.
Stop punishing those who suffer from obesity. I think about how this blatant discrimination would never happen to people who are say Homosexual. There have been laws passed to protect those who have chosen that life style, but god forbid someone should suffer from obesity, there is no civil right protection for them.
Some, and I say SOME NOT ALL, but some of the people in the medical community feel that obese children should be removed from their obese parents because their obesity equates to child abuse. How long until obese people are totally shunned from society?
Friends, I know what it is like. I didn't become obese as an adult like a majority of obese people do, I was an obese baby, child, teenager, and adult. I lived everyday with the abuse heaped on me because I was obese. The cruelty of the kids at school, the teachers ignoring me, even family members looking at me with disgust. Unless you have lived it you can't possibly understand what it feels like to be a prisoner in your body. To want so badly to fix what is obviously wrong but have no clue how and no support to encourage.
I'm blessed now. In 2006 I had gastric bypass, some think that is cheating and still ridicule me for making that choice because in their minds eye I was too weak or too unmotivated to to it myself. However, having gastric bypass was the first step, then in 2011 (this year) when the pounds started to come back, and yes they can and do. I decided that I didn't want to be obese anymore. I liked being a size 8 and I wanted to stay that way. But that was my mindset, not someone else. Not a doctor or a skinny person telling me that I was unhealthy. It was something I had to do.
I have a friend who has walked in my shoes. We keep each other accountable. I admire my friend because they chose diet and exercise to loose their weight. It was a tough road for my friend, and even today they still struggle, but they fight hard and work hard, and that is what you have to do sometimes, and skinny people just don't understand the fight we fight every day! it is a constant uphill battle, and I know my friend sometimes feels defeated, but I've seen them get back at it and get refocused and that takes a lot of courage.
A skinny person can not and should not even think to try to keep an obese person accountable, because you have never been there! Only and obese person (or a recovering obese person, which I consider myself to be) can be an affective mentor.
If you are obese know this. I feel your pain. I cry with you when you feel alone and disgusted with yourself. when you can't even look in the mirror because you are so grossed out with the way you look. I feel your pain when you are treated unfairly because of your weight. I feel your pain when people look at you in repulsion. I weep when you have your heart broken by some callous individual because they think it is funny to break an obese person's heart. I've been there...I truly understand.
My friends, you are not alone. I am here. We need to rally together my friends, we need to have a voice for all of the obese people in this country. We need to be the encouraging force to bring to our obese brethren a healthy way to live life, to be supportive to show with love and kindness the benefit of fitness and exercise.
Together we can fight this battle together we will win!!!
Please watch, this is my story...
So, here is where this gets hard. Especially for my readers out there that will have absolutely no experience in this situation.
It is inconsiderate of anyone to suggest that the reason why people are obese is because they are lazy and have no motivation. That is a bunch of bull, and it shouldn't even be allowed in intelligent conversation.
That is the argument that all the skinny people in the world like to say when they judge those of us who are obese. I have heard this all of my life from the Skinny People of the world, and you know what I'm sick of it.
Who do they think they are to sit in judgement of me? If I were to say something like, skinny people are only skinny because all they do is shove their fingers down their throats, I would be making a blind judgement right? I would be put in my place by all the skinny people and told that I was being callous and that I had no right to make such demeaning statements.
But, have a skinny person say that obese people are lazy and unmotivated that is perfectly socially acceptable. Because as we all know it is the skinny people who rule the world.
How many of my friends out there who suffer from the disease of obesity have been overlooked for promotions for it only to go to a skinny person with less qualifications as you? What makes this even worse is as of right now there is nothing anyone can do to advocate for them.
Obese people are the largest and most discriminated group out there, and we will continue to be discriminated against unless we stand up.
I'm not saying that as obese people we should continue in a life style that is destructive. I am not saying that at all, but how can all of the people out there who are suffering from obesity find the voice to fight back if no one will listen. How can they possibly hope for a better life, if no one cares?
Well, I care. I care because I've been there, and I still consider myself as obese. Like an alcoholic who has gone into rehab and has worked the "steps" they are never cured, they are always in recovery because one sip of alcohol will push them over the edge. That is the same thing for an obese person.
Sure, we can go on diets, lose weight...but if we don't fight everyday, if we don't work our "steps" everyday, every moment then those pounds will come back on and we will spiral down that destructive path again.
Stop punishing those who suffer from obesity. I think about how this blatant discrimination would never happen to people who are say Homosexual. There have been laws passed to protect those who have chosen that life style, but god forbid someone should suffer from obesity, there is no civil right protection for them.
Some, and I say SOME NOT ALL, but some of the people in the medical community feel that obese children should be removed from their obese parents because their obesity equates to child abuse. How long until obese people are totally shunned from society?
Friends, I know what it is like. I didn't become obese as an adult like a majority of obese people do, I was an obese baby, child, teenager, and adult. I lived everyday with the abuse heaped on me because I was obese. The cruelty of the kids at school, the teachers ignoring me, even family members looking at me with disgust. Unless you have lived it you can't possibly understand what it feels like to be a prisoner in your body. To want so badly to fix what is obviously wrong but have no clue how and no support to encourage.
I'm blessed now. In 2006 I had gastric bypass, some think that is cheating and still ridicule me for making that choice because in their minds eye I was too weak or too unmotivated to to it myself. However, having gastric bypass was the first step, then in 2011 (this year) when the pounds started to come back, and yes they can and do. I decided that I didn't want to be obese anymore. I liked being a size 8 and I wanted to stay that way. But that was my mindset, not someone else. Not a doctor or a skinny person telling me that I was unhealthy. It was something I had to do.
I have a friend who has walked in my shoes. We keep each other accountable. I admire my friend because they chose diet and exercise to loose their weight. It was a tough road for my friend, and even today they still struggle, but they fight hard and work hard, and that is what you have to do sometimes, and skinny people just don't understand the fight we fight every day! it is a constant uphill battle, and I know my friend sometimes feels defeated, but I've seen them get back at it and get refocused and that takes a lot of courage.
A skinny person can not and should not even think to try to keep an obese person accountable, because you have never been there! Only and obese person (or a recovering obese person, which I consider myself to be) can be an affective mentor.
If you are obese know this. I feel your pain. I cry with you when you feel alone and disgusted with yourself. when you can't even look in the mirror because you are so grossed out with the way you look. I feel your pain when you are treated unfairly because of your weight. I feel your pain when people look at you in repulsion. I weep when you have your heart broken by some callous individual because they think it is funny to break an obese person's heart. I've been there...I truly understand.
My friends, you are not alone. I am here. We need to rally together my friends, we need to have a voice for all of the obese people in this country. We need to be the encouraging force to bring to our obese brethren a healthy way to live life, to be supportive to show with love and kindness the benefit of fitness and exercise.
Together we can fight this battle together we will win!!!
Please watch, this is my story...
Watch Out! Feed Your Kids Wrong, and They May Be Taken Away!
In another attempt to control the American Public with Governmental restrictions, two respected members of the medical community, Lindsey Murtagh and Dr. David S. Ludwig, have indicated in an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, that parents of obese children are unfit to raise their children.
“…severely obese children be removed from their homes, and that government involvement may be justifiable because of the imminent health risks and the ‘parents’ chronic failure to address medical problems.’ “
Yes, you read that correctly, if your kids are overweight by the standards of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you are an unfit parent and your child should be taken away and put into foster care.
This seems almost Orwellian doesn’t it?
Now it is being suggested that parents are purposing abusing their children by “allowing” them to be overweight! Let’s consider this friend, look at the children who are overweight and look at their parents. The parents are most likely overweight too.
Obesity is a disease, but one that should be dealt with in a caring nature, not this way! So, what next? If your child has cancer they should be removed because you allowed carcinogens in your home? How many people even know what carcinogens are?
People should not be punished because they are obese, they need to be treated just like someone who has any disease with compassion and a solution, and certainly children should not be removed from their homes because they are obese.
This takes education and help from the medical community, and the American Medical community has been ignoring obesity for years. They ignore obese individual, they do not take illnesses of obese people seriously and often they do not treat illness of obese people because doctors indicated that “if you lose weight, you won’t be sick”
This is a topic that hits very close to home for me.
I grew up over weight, morbidly so. But, who was abusing me? Not my parents. They loved me the best they could, they provided for me, the made sure I had food to eat and clothes to wear. I will tell give you a list of who abused me:
Other Kids
The Medical Community
Where was the government when the kids at school would trip me or make disgusting noises every time I walked by?
Where was the government when my teachers didn’t take me seriously or pushed me aside because they equated my weight with unintelligence?
Where was the government when the medical community put me on a diet at 11 years old with no follow up and no support?
Where was the government when perfect strangers would turn in disgust because my very presence was reprehensible to their senses?
Really folks?? Sheep! I tell you Sheep!
If the American public really believes that children would be better off in foster care then with their parents who feed them too much, then there is something disturbingly wrong with this country.
Let’s consider this, who is this targeting? Poor people and uneducated people. Believe it or not folks there are poor and ignorant people in America, but what right do we have to punish these people? And what if removing obese children becomes a protective norm, what restrictions will be in place?
The government agencies are not going to consider all the factors before removing children, and a witch hunt will ensue. CPS will be storming into homes removing children left and right for being obese. We already have a huge debt to begin with; we will just continue to add to this debt because all these new agents and foster parents are going to have to be paid.
Apparently these researchers have not done their homework; they have not considered the economic impact this has on our society. They have not considered the psychological impact to the children and parents.
The government should not be allowed to be the expert in parenting.
Here is the definition of abuse: the improper usage or treatment for a bad purpose, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit, physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, sexual assault, violation, rape, unjust practices; wrongful practice or custom; offense; crime, or otherwise verbal aggression
Where in this definition does it state that feeding your kids is abuse?
Oh I can see this: “Here Johnny, if you don’t behave yourself I’m gonna over feed you!” Really??!! Are you freakin’ kidding me!
And don’t even tell me that you see parents mollifying their kids with food at the grocery store or somewhere. Count on your fingers how many of those children were overweight? I’ve seen skinny little bratty kids being mollified by their skinny parents with candy, so don’t even go there because I know you are.
This is ticking me off. The nation has gotten completely out of control, and folks guess what, “We the People” are letting it happen!
UP! For God’s Sake, STAND UP! Stop this subjugation!
…and to all you doctors out there…why don’t you start helping people who are overweight instead of ignoring them and saying that if they lose weight they would be healthy. Well guess what…I’ve lost over 150lbs and I am still dealing with chronic illness that I was told would go away as soon as I lost weight.
I’m still waiting for that miracle of medicine!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A Moment of Clairity
Have you ever come to a point in your life when the internal light bulb finally turns on? It doesn't happen just once, but frequently through our lives we have epiphanies or self-realization that make us go, "Ahhhh of course!"
Well, for me that was today.
Actually it started last night, I won't go into details but I dealt with something that was really bothering me in a productive manner. No feelings hurt, maturity reigned, it was a good thing.
Then I got ill. LOL...no really I did.
I developed this horrible migraine and got very nauseated. I ended up sleeping in the living room because I didn't want to wake my husband.
It was during this sleep in which I slept in until 8:30am that my mind started to clear. When I woke I was left with a dilemma of should I or shouldn't I go and work out today, I mean I still wasn't feeling well and I had already missed my Hydro Training work out, but I discovered that a friend of mine was having the same dilemma of should they or shouldn't they go and work out. It was agreed that we should keep each other accountable to our fitness and go to our individual work outs.
So, today was Hot Yoga. I got to the gym, put my mat out, and started to do some pre-stretching. Then for about 8 mins I meditated. I sat in the lotus position my hands palm up on my knees and my eyes closed, with my focus on my breathing, and then it happened. My mind started to filter out all this junk that I had been keeping inside me for months. It was like I was flipping through the channels of a TV and just watching snippets of my memories and events over the past few months.
When class started I was focused. I allowed my mind to go blank and just let my body do what it needed to do. As my Yoga instructor says, "Just DO don't THINK!" Well, I did. My balance was better, my energy was better, the pain that I experience during Salabhasana the Locust Pose was climatic and rewarding. Even my instructor who pulled me aside said that I looked really good today and she saw a marked improvement, then she worked with me on Dandayamana-Dhanurasana which is a Standing Bow Pose:

...and it was at that moment when I realized that I had been putting way to much pressure on situations where no pressure was required. I was overcompensating and obsessing over events and situations that really did not require so much of my energy.
Well, for me that was today.
Actually it started last night, I won't go into details but I dealt with something that was really bothering me in a productive manner. No feelings hurt, maturity reigned, it was a good thing.
Then I got ill. LOL...no really I did.
I developed this horrible migraine and got very nauseated. I ended up sleeping in the living room because I didn't want to wake my husband.
It was during this sleep in which I slept in until 8:30am that my mind started to clear. When I woke I was left with a dilemma of should I or shouldn't I go and work out today, I mean I still wasn't feeling well and I had already missed my Hydro Training work out, but I discovered that a friend of mine was having the same dilemma of should they or shouldn't they go and work out. It was agreed that we should keep each other accountable to our fitness and go to our individual work outs.
So, today was Hot Yoga. I got to the gym, put my mat out, and started to do some pre-stretching. Then for about 8 mins I meditated. I sat in the lotus position my hands palm up on my knees and my eyes closed, with my focus on my breathing, and then it happened. My mind started to filter out all this junk that I had been keeping inside me for months. It was like I was flipping through the channels of a TV and just watching snippets of my memories and events over the past few months.
When class started I was focused. I allowed my mind to go blank and just let my body do what it needed to do. As my Yoga instructor says, "Just DO don't THINK!" Well, I did. My balance was better, my energy was better, the pain that I experience during Salabhasana the Locust Pose was climatic and rewarding. Even my instructor who pulled me aside said that I looked really good today and she saw a marked improvement, then she worked with me on Dandayamana-Dhanurasana which is a Standing Bow Pose:

...and it was at that moment when I realized that I had been putting way to much pressure on situations where no pressure was required. I was overcompensating and obsessing over events and situations that really did not require so much of my energy.
Just like doing the standing bow pose, I had forgot how to just....Breath....
In and out..... filling my lungs and allowing the life giving force of the air to open up my lungs and allow all that good oxygen to my brain. I found clarity.
I discovered that I was stressing over things that didn't need to be stressed over, that I was obsessing over things that didn't need to be obsessed over, and I was allowing anxiety to build up inside me to a point where I was ready to just explode.
There are things I still need to work out, but now I know I can deal with them more constructively. A friend of mine says; "Live one day at a time, live for today and look forward to tomorrow." Good advice huh?
I've got lots of things I still need to accomplish, but now that I feel freer and more in control, I think I can complete the important tasks that are still in front of me.
Friends, take my advice. Life is too short to stress, life is too short to worry if you are always doing the right thing, life is too short to obsess over the everyday ups and downs of humanity.
In and out..... filling my lungs and allowing the life giving force of the air to open up my lungs and allow all that good oxygen to my brain. I found clarity.
I discovered that I was stressing over things that didn't need to be stressed over, that I was obsessing over things that didn't need to be obsessed over, and I was allowing anxiety to build up inside me to a point where I was ready to just explode.
There are things I still need to work out, but now I know I can deal with them more constructively. A friend of mine says; "Live one day at a time, live for today and look forward to tomorrow." Good advice huh?
I've got lots of things I still need to accomplish, but now that I feel freer and more in control, I think I can complete the important tasks that are still in front of me.
Friends, take my advice. Life is too short to stress, life is too short to worry if you are always doing the right thing, life is too short to obsess over the everyday ups and downs of humanity.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Yoga and Bearing It!
One week without doing Yoga really was a bad idea! I was wondering why I was so "out of it" last week. I think people began to notice too. By the end of the week I was pretty out of control. Thank God for friends who care enough to set me straight and not let me act like a total jerk.
2) Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. It is a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years.
3) is a physical practice of stretching the body in different ways, focusing one's attention, and becoming one with the universe. It uses body, breath and senses to reconnect the practitioner with the universe and move emotions and thoughts into stillness
Alright so I already know what many of my readers are thinking. Why is a Born Again Christian practicing Yoga? Well, I'm no Bible Scholar but I bet you that I can list several Bible verses were the art of "Yoga" was practiced....
Gen. 24:63: "Isaac went out into the field to meditate"
Psalms 4:5: "Commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still"
Mark 1:35: "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed"
Okay, so there are a lot more verses, but I think you get the point. A person needs to get to a quiet place and refocus themselves. Some can do it on their own very naturally, such as going into their room and being quiet in the Lord. Others fall prostrate on the floor and pray. Me.....I do Yoga.
I'm not Hindu, I don't support the tenants of that religion. I am Born Again Christian who believes in the salvation through the blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is what I believe. However, if something like Yoga is going to keep me focused and going to draw my heart and mind closer to God, then I'm going to do it.
I find Yoga to be an extension of my physical ability. I watch my body in the mirrors of the yoga room and pay very close attention to how my body is aligned, how my breathing is doing, and where I am putting the pressure into what muscles.
When I have achieved a particularly difficult position, like say Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose) I feel that I have achieved a small victory. When I have been able to support the Tree Pose (Vrksasana) and be in complete balance then I have achieved another victory.
Yoga is about self. It is what your body can do and what your body is capable of and about ignoring the mental thoughts that tell you " YOU CAN'T DO THIS"
If you are a person like me who is the living embodiment of stress and anxiety, I strongly suggest taking Yoga. Go to a class, I would suggest starting at with Hatha Yoga. which really is the basic yoga techniques. Make sure you take a level one class if you never done Yoga before. You are going to be asked to put your body into some crazy positions but they are simple in a level one class (don't worry no inversions!)
Another great form of Yoga is Hot Yoga (Bikram Yoga) in this type of Yoga the temperature of the room is put up to about 100 degrees, and you are guided through a series of 26 poses with a special style of breathing which is different from the normal yoga breathing. This is a very rewarding form of Yoga and one of my favorites! You get very hot and very sweaty. Your heart rate is pumped because of the heat and you experience some "beneficial pain" (yeah, in this case pain is gain!) My Hot Yoga instructor always says "If it doesn't hurt you are not doing it right!"
Vinyasa or "Flow" Yoga is really intense, it is "breath synchronized movements" basically what that means is you have to breath through each pose in a certain way and each movement is either an exhale or an inhale. The "Sun Salutation" is a popular Vinyasa sequence. It is actually very easy to do and a great way to start the day.
So, if you have always been wondering about Yoga. If you have thought "Well I'm a Christian should I be doing Yoga?" or "I don't think I'm fit enough for Yoga" you are not alone. But trust me, you are not committing some unforgivable sin by doing Yoga and anyone can do Yoga no matter what your fitness level is.
I would strongly suggest taking a class. However Yoga is one of those things were you either Love It or Hate It, there really is no in-between, and that make perfect sense because Yoga requires your total self: your mind, your body and your spirit...and if you are not willing to make yourself vulnerable by doing Yoga then it is not for you.
However, I realized that without taking Yoga I was really out of focus.
What is Yoga really? Well there are several definitions:
1) Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of actions and knowledge and devotion.
What is Yoga really? Well there are several definitions:
1) Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of actions and knowledge and devotion.
2) Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. It is a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years.
3) is a physical practice of stretching the body in different ways, focusing one's attention, and becoming one with the universe. It uses body, breath and senses to reconnect the practitioner with the universe and move emotions and thoughts into stillness
Alright so I already know what many of my readers are thinking. Why is a Born Again Christian practicing Yoga? Well, I'm no Bible Scholar but I bet you that I can list several Bible verses were the art of "Yoga" was practiced....
Gen. 24:63: "Isaac went out into the field to meditate"
Psalms 4:5: "Commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still"
Mark 1:35: "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed"
Okay, so there are a lot more verses, but I think you get the point. A person needs to get to a quiet place and refocus themselves. Some can do it on their own very naturally, such as going into their room and being quiet in the Lord. Others fall prostrate on the floor and pray. Me.....I do Yoga.
I'm not Hindu, I don't support the tenants of that religion. I am Born Again Christian who believes in the salvation through the blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is what I believe. However, if something like Yoga is going to keep me focused and going to draw my heart and mind closer to God, then I'm going to do it.
I find Yoga to be an extension of my physical ability. I watch my body in the mirrors of the yoga room and pay very close attention to how my body is aligned, how my breathing is doing, and where I am putting the pressure into what muscles.
When I have achieved a particularly difficult position, like say Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose) I feel that I have achieved a small victory. When I have been able to support the Tree Pose (Vrksasana) and be in complete balance then I have achieved another victory.
Yoga is about self. It is what your body can do and what your body is capable of and about ignoring the mental thoughts that tell you " YOU CAN'T DO THIS"
If you are a person like me who is the living embodiment of stress and anxiety, I strongly suggest taking Yoga. Go to a class, I would suggest starting at with Hatha Yoga. which really is the basic yoga techniques. Make sure you take a level one class if you never done Yoga before. You are going to be asked to put your body into some crazy positions but they are simple in a level one class (don't worry no inversions!)
Another great form of Yoga is Hot Yoga (Bikram Yoga) in this type of Yoga the temperature of the room is put up to about 100 degrees, and you are guided through a series of 26 poses with a special style of breathing which is different from the normal yoga breathing. This is a very rewarding form of Yoga and one of my favorites! You get very hot and very sweaty. Your heart rate is pumped because of the heat and you experience some "beneficial pain" (yeah, in this case pain is gain!) My Hot Yoga instructor always says "If it doesn't hurt you are not doing it right!"
Vinyasa or "Flow" Yoga is really intense, it is "breath synchronized movements" basically what that means is you have to breath through each pose in a certain way and each movement is either an exhale or an inhale. The "Sun Salutation" is a popular Vinyasa sequence. It is actually very easy to do and a great way to start the day.
So, if you have always been wondering about Yoga. If you have thought "Well I'm a Christian should I be doing Yoga?" or "I don't think I'm fit enough for Yoga" you are not alone. But trust me, you are not committing some unforgivable sin by doing Yoga and anyone can do Yoga no matter what your fitness level is.
I would strongly suggest taking a class. However Yoga is one of those things were you either Love It or Hate It, there really is no in-between, and that make perfect sense because Yoga requires your total self: your mind, your body and your spirit...and if you are not willing to make yourself vulnerable by doing Yoga then it is not for you.
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