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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Watch Out! Feed Your Kids Wrong, and They May Be Taken Away!

In another attempt to control the American Public with Governmental restrictions, two respected members of the medical community, Lindsey Murtagh and Dr. David S. Ludwig, have indicated in an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, that parents of obese children are unfit to raise their children.

severely obese children be removed from their homes, and that government involvement may be justifiable because of the imminent health risks and the ‘parents’ chronic failure to address medical problems.’ 

Yes, you read that correctly, if your kids are overweight by the standards of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you are an unfit parent and your child should be taken away and put into foster care.

This seems almost Orwellian doesn’t it?

Now it is being suggested that parents are purposing abusing their children by “allowing” them to be overweight! Let’s consider this friend, look at the children who are overweight and look at their parents. The parents are most likely overweight too.

Obesity is a disease, but one that should be dealt with in a caring nature, not this way! So, what next? If your child has cancer they should be removed because you allowed carcinogens in your home? How many people even know what carcinogens are?

People should not be punished because they are obese, they need to be treated just like someone who has any disease with compassion and a solution, and certainly children should not be removed from their homes because they are obese.

This takes education and help from the medical community, and the American Medical community has been ignoring obesity for years. They ignore obese individual, they do not take illnesses of obese people seriously and often they do not treat illness of obese people because doctors indicated that “if you lose weight, you won’t be sick”

This is a topic that hits very close to home for me.

I grew up over weight, morbidly so. But, who was abusing me? Not my parents. They loved me the best they could, they provided for me, the made sure I had food to eat and clothes to wear. I will tell give you a list of who abused me:

Other Kids
The Medical Community

Where was the government when the kids at school would trip me or make disgusting noises every time I walked by? 

Where was the government when my teachers didn’t take me seriously or pushed me aside because they equated my weight with unintelligence?

Where was the government when the medical community put me on a diet at 11 years old with no follow up and no support?

Where was the government when perfect strangers would turn in disgust because my very presence was reprehensible to their senses?

Really folks?? Sheep! I tell you Sheep!

If the American public really believes that children would be better off in foster care then with their parents who feed them too much, then there is something disturbingly wrong with this country.

Let’s consider this, who is this targeting? Poor people and uneducated people. Believe it or not folks there are poor and ignorant people in America, but what right do we have to punish these people? And what if removing obese children becomes a protective norm, what restrictions will be in place?

The government agencies are not going to consider all the factors before removing children, and a witch hunt will ensue. CPS will be storming into homes removing children left and right for being obese. We already have a huge debt to begin with; we will just continue to add to this debt because all these new agents and foster parents are going to have to be paid.

Apparently these researchers have not done their homework; they have not considered the economic impact this has on our society. They have not considered the psychological impact to the children and parents.

The government should not be allowed to be the expert in parenting.

Here is the definition of abuse: the improper usage or treatment for a bad purpose, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit, physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, sexual assault, violation, rape, unjust practices; wrongful practice or custom; offense; crime, or otherwise verbal aggression
Where in this definition does it state that feeding your kids is abuse?

Oh I can see this: “Here Johnny, if you don’t behave yourself I’m gonna over feed you!” Really??!! Are you freakin’ kidding me!

And don’t even tell me that you see parents mollifying their kids with food at the grocery store or somewhere. Count on your fingers how many of those children were overweight? I’ve seen skinny little bratty kids being mollified by their skinny parents with candy, so don’t even go there because I know you are.

This is ticking me off. The nation has gotten completely out of control, and folks guess what, “We the People” are letting it happen!

UP! For God’s Sake, STAND UP! Stop this subjugation!

…and to all you doctors out there…why don’t you start helping people who are overweight instead of ignoring them and saying that if they lose weight they would be healthy. Well guess what…I’ve lost over 150lbs and I am still dealing with chronic illness that I was told would go away as soon as I lost weight.

I’m still waiting for that miracle of medicine!

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