Well, for me that was today.
Actually it started last night, I won't go into details but I dealt with something that was really bothering me in a productive manner. No feelings hurt, maturity reigned, it was a good thing.
Then I got ill. LOL...no really I did.
I developed this horrible migraine and got very nauseated. I ended up sleeping in the living room because I didn't want to wake my husband.
It was during this sleep in which I slept in until 8:30am that my mind started to clear. When I woke I was left with a dilemma of should I or shouldn't I go and work out today, I mean I still wasn't feeling well and I had already missed my Hydro Training work out, but I discovered that a friend of mine was having the same dilemma of should they or shouldn't they go and work out. It was agreed that we should keep each other accountable to our fitness and go to our individual work outs.
So, today was Hot Yoga. I got to the gym, put my mat out, and started to do some pre-stretching. Then for about 8 mins I meditated. I sat in the lotus position my hands palm up on my knees and my eyes closed, with my focus on my breathing, and then it happened. My mind started to filter out all this junk that I had been keeping inside me for months. It was like I was flipping through the channels of a TV and just watching snippets of my memories and events over the past few months.
When class started I was focused. I allowed my mind to go blank and just let my body do what it needed to do. As my Yoga instructor says, "Just DO don't THINK!" Well, I did. My balance was better, my energy was better, the pain that I experience during Salabhasana the Locust Pose was climatic and rewarding. Even my instructor who pulled me aside said that I looked really good today and she saw a marked improvement, then she worked with me on Dandayamana-Dhanurasana which is a Standing Bow Pose:

...and it was at that moment when I realized that I had been putting way to much pressure on situations where no pressure was required. I was overcompensating and obsessing over events and situations that really did not require so much of my energy.
Just like doing the standing bow pose, I had forgot how to just....Breath....
In and out..... filling my lungs and allowing the life giving force of the air to open up my lungs and allow all that good oxygen to my brain. I found clarity.
I discovered that I was stressing over things that didn't need to be stressed over, that I was obsessing over things that didn't need to be obsessed over, and I was allowing anxiety to build up inside me to a point where I was ready to just explode.
There are things I still need to work out, but now I know I can deal with them more constructively. A friend of mine says; "Live one day at a time, live for today and look forward to tomorrow." Good advice huh?
I've got lots of things I still need to accomplish, but now that I feel freer and more in control, I think I can complete the important tasks that are still in front of me.
Friends, take my advice. Life is too short to stress, life is too short to worry if you are always doing the right thing, life is too short to obsess over the everyday ups and downs of humanity.
In and out..... filling my lungs and allowing the life giving force of the air to open up my lungs and allow all that good oxygen to my brain. I found clarity.
I discovered that I was stressing over things that didn't need to be stressed over, that I was obsessing over things that didn't need to be obsessed over, and I was allowing anxiety to build up inside me to a point where I was ready to just explode.
There are things I still need to work out, but now I know I can deal with them more constructively. A friend of mine says; "Live one day at a time, live for today and look forward to tomorrow." Good advice huh?
I've got lots of things I still need to accomplish, but now that I feel freer and more in control, I think I can complete the important tasks that are still in front of me.
Friends, take my advice. Life is too short to stress, life is too short to worry if you are always doing the right thing, life is too short to obsess over the everyday ups and downs of humanity.
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