The biggest misconception of Geisha to most Westerners is that Geisha are nothing more than "High Class Prostitutes" nothing can be further than the truth.
The word "Geisha" is actually two Japanese words, Gei meaning art, and Sha meaning person. So basically, the word "Geisha" means Artist.
So why would an American with no Japanese heritage want to blog about a traditional Japanese cultural trait. Simple, I'm an Anthropologist, and as an Anthropologist I study cultures, and Japanese Geisha culture fascinates me.
Without going to far back into history let's just start when Geisha culture began in Kyoto, which is known as the "home of Geisha" or the "Home of the Beauty Obsessed Elite" in this place women of high intellect and skills trained tirelessly to become part of the Geisha world.
The Geisha world is as secretive as any sorority of sisterhood could possibly be. So much so that the author of "Memoirs of a Geisha" was sued by the woman who provided information to him because he identified her in his acknowledgement therefore subjecting this woman to scrutiny to the point of death threats, that is how secretive this lifestyle is.
Why blog about Geisha? Have you ever wanted to do something in your life that was so totally out of the norm, that even the idea of doing it was taboo? Well, I will share a secret with my readers. I have always had a fantasy of being a Geisha. I find the world magical and beautiful. To be able to have a man's complete and undivided attention all because of your mystical beauty. To be a performing living piece of art. To have men and women stop in their tracks as you pass by them, and to be treated like the most precious commodity on earth. That to me is what a life of a Geisha would be.
I understand that it is a very difficult life. Starting in some case as early as 3 years old. Some girls, like the fictional Sayuri were actually sold into Okiya (Geisha Houses) as children, but this practice was actually outlawed and not at all common when it was allowed.
Mostly Geisha were born into it. Girl started off as apprentice Geisha called Maiko, and they would learn their profession just like any person would learn, by watching then doing. Maikos would also attend special schools were they learned dance, art, and music. The Maiko was "owned" by the Okiya which would provide her with food, shelter and Kimono, as well as anything else she would need for her profession. Like any other profession the Maiko would have a mentor or a Big Sister, Onee-san. Who would be responsible for the Maiko's education.
Being a Maiko is not just about learning how to be "pretty and talented" but learning how to network the complex social web of Japanese High Society. It is an exhausting learning experience that only the best Maikos can navigate successfully assuring their future success as a Geisha.
Geisha are not prostitutes, granted there are some women who call themselves "geisha" and do sell their bodies for sex, but these women are low class and not accepted in the formal world of the True Geisha. A true Geisha's sex life is her own personal private life and who she choose to have or not have sex with is her business and her business only. A successful Geisha can entertain her male guest with music, dance, and conversation, and are considered to be most financially and emotionally successful and strongest women in Japan.
Just that alone makes the profession of Geisha exciting. to be a emotionally successful woman. How many professions for women can tote that barge? Can nurses be emotionally successful? Can teachers be emotionally successful? NO....but a Geisha she can be emotionally successful. To me being emotionally successful means to everyday never worry about your life, to be assured of your skills and to own your life. It is much more than just "job satisfaction" it is satisfaction with who you are and what your life is. It is a very powerful condition.
The thing with Geisha is that it makes adultery acceptable. Okay Okay, I know I just stepped on the toes of every Christian Moralistic Western Human-being who has been taught since infancy "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" Well friends, this blog isn't about morals it is about fantasy. So, either deal with it or stop reading now.
Okay, so... The Geisha to her male clients has a totally different relationship with that man then his wife does. See where the ideal wife is submissive, dutiful, and modest. The Geisha is empowered, in charge, and sexy. The wife is somber and responsible were the Geisha is carefree and exciting. Geisha do not marry. They can if they want, but then they have to retire so that sort of negates the whole idea of Geisha right?
Geisha are experts in the art of flirting, and they are always in control and highly hospitable. Geisha can think on her feet and adjust to accommodate any situation to make any guest feel comfortable and content. These are some of the most successful business women in Japan, so why would a woman not want to be a Geisha if she could?
There are some women who think Geisha are exploited women, but if you talk to a Geisha she will tell you that she is the most liberated of women. Why do you think that is? It is because she is free. People who think that women are exploited because they chose to "entertain" I believe are just simply jealous because their own lives are so boring and dull. Who wouldn't want to be catered too? Dressed in the most gorgeous clothing? Be around some of the most fascinating people? Have men hanging on your every word? Be the sole object of all fantasy?
Be honest'd want that right? In your deepest fantasies you'd want that. To be in control at all times is the most empowering thing a woman can do.
I challenge each woman who reads this blog out there to find their "Inner Geisha" learn to be a piece of living art. Be in control of who you are, what you do, and be in charge of your sexual lives.
Remember: "legitimate geisha do not engage in paid sex with clients. Their purpose is to entertain their customer, be it by dancing, reciting verse, playing musical instruments, or engaging in light conversation. Geisha engagements may include flirting with men and playful innuendos; however, clients know that nothing more can be expected. In a social style that is common in Japan, men are amused by the illusion of that which is never to be."
Perhaps we "Western" women can learn a thing or two from our Geisha sisters?
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