Who Likes Me

Friday, August 5, 2011


Catharsis or katharsis (Ancient Greekκάθαρσις) is a Greek word meaning "cleansing" or "purging". It is derived from the verb καθαίρειν,kathairein, "to purify, purge," and it is related to the adjective καθαρόςkatharos, "pure or clean."

That is what I feel right now. Like I've purge out all the yuck and got it all out and now I can move forward. 

I will not stop writing my blog, and if readers out there believe that anything I write is directed at someone or something specific, it may be better for you as a reader to not read my blogs. 

Blogging has been a Catharsis for me. It has given me a way to purge all the negative feelings and to explore new more positive feelings and to cultivate new ideas about things, people, events...etc. 

Life should not be stuck in one place, it is a constant moving thing. Life is alive, it breathes and it has a soul, but so many people want to take Life and place it on a shelf and not fully experience all the richness of it. I want to experience the richness of life, and I need to start by walking away from things that tie me down. 

I am confident now in things that I felt unsure of. Recent events have given me new insight. I am seeing things differently and realize that I have to explore for myself. Happiness must come from within me. Joy must be mine and mine alone. 

Other people should not be responsible for my happiness, however there are people in this world who make me happy, but I will not depend or burden them, but enjoy the happiness that have been cultivated in these friendships. 

Humans need other humans, we are not islands unto ourselves drifting in a sea of desolation. We are flesh and bone, spirit and soul. Not stone. 

Don't be a stone my friends. Be a spirit. embrace yourself and love yourself. Find your joy inside your heart. Once you have found your joy in your heart and once you have owned your feelings only then can you truly be accepting of others. 

Whatever you do, don't burn bridges. Value each person in your life as if they were the most important person on the face of the planet. Make that person feel valued and wanted. Humans need humans enjoy your humanity. 

Peace and love to you all. May Christ Bless your lives. May love abide in you always. 


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