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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Unless You Have Walked In My Shoes You Will Never Understand...

I often wonder where people get the idea that they know so much about other people. Just because they may have more education, more life experience, or more opportunities. However, all that is well and good when dealing with your own life, but when you have to consider someone else life all the education, all the experience, and all the opportunities are not going to be able to get you to truly understand someone. You have to walk in their shoes, which means you have to know where they are coming from.

So, here is where this gets hard. Especially for my readers out there that will have absolutely no experience in this situation.

It is inconsiderate of anyone to suggest that the reason why people are obese is because they are lazy and have no motivation. That is a bunch of bull, and it shouldn't even be allowed in intelligent conversation.

That is the argument that all the skinny people in the world like to say when they judge those of us who are obese. I have heard this all of my life from the Skinny People of the world, and you know what I'm sick of it.

Who do they think they are to sit in judgement of me? If I were to say something like, skinny people are only skinny because all they do is shove their fingers down their throats, I would be making a blind judgement right? I would be put in my place by all the skinny people and told that I was being callous and that I had no right to make such demeaning statements.

But, have a skinny person say that obese people are lazy and unmotivated that is perfectly socially acceptable.  Because as we all know it is the skinny people who rule the world.

How many of my friends out there who suffer from the disease of obesity have been overlooked for promotions for it only to go to a skinny person with less qualifications as you? What makes this even worse is as of right now there is nothing anyone can do to advocate for them.

Obese people are the largest and most discriminated group out there, and we will continue to be discriminated against unless we stand up.

I'm not saying that as obese people we should continue in a life style that is destructive. I am not saying that at all, but how can all of the people out there who are suffering from obesity find the voice to fight back if no one will listen. How can they possibly hope for a better life, if no one cares?

Well, I care. I care because I've been there, and I still consider myself as obese. Like an alcoholic who has gone into rehab and has worked the "steps" they are never cured, they are always in recovery because one sip of alcohol will push them over the edge. That is the same thing for an obese person.

Sure, we can go on diets, lose weight...but if we don't fight everyday, if we don't work our "steps" everyday, every moment then those pounds will come back on and we will spiral down that destructive path again.

Stop punishing those who suffer from obesity. I think about how this blatant discrimination would never happen to people who are say Homosexual. There have been laws passed to protect those who have chosen that life style, but god forbid someone should suffer from obesity, there is no civil right protection for them.

Some, and I say SOME NOT ALL, but some of the people in the medical community feel that obese children should be removed from their obese parents because their obesity equates to child abuse. How long until obese people are totally shunned from society?

Friends, I know what it is like. I didn't become obese as an adult like a majority of obese people do, I was an obese baby, child, teenager, and adult. I lived everyday with the abuse heaped on me because I was obese. The cruelty of the kids at school, the teachers ignoring me, even family members looking at me with disgust. Unless you have lived it you can't possibly understand what it feels like to be a prisoner in your body. To want so badly to fix what is obviously wrong but have no clue how and no support to encourage.

I'm blessed now. In 2006 I had gastric bypass, some think that is cheating and still ridicule me for making that choice because in their minds eye I was too weak or too unmotivated to to it myself. However, having gastric bypass was the first step, then in 2011 (this year) when the pounds started to come back, and yes they can and do. I decided that I didn't want to be obese anymore. I liked being a size 8 and I wanted to stay that way. But that was my mindset, not someone else. Not a doctor or a skinny person telling me that I was unhealthy. It was something I had to do.

I have a friend who has walked in my shoes. We keep each other accountable. I admire my friend because they chose diet and exercise to loose their weight. It was a tough road for my friend, and even today they still struggle, but they fight hard and work hard, and that is what you have to do sometimes, and skinny people just don't understand the fight we fight every day! it is a constant uphill battle, and I know my friend sometimes feels defeated, but I've seen them get back at it and get refocused and that takes a lot of courage.

A skinny person can not and should not even think to try to keep an obese person accountable, because you have never been there! Only and obese person (or a recovering obese person, which I consider myself to be) can be an affective mentor.

If you are obese know this. I feel your pain. I cry with you when you feel alone and disgusted with yourself. when you can't even look in the mirror because you are so grossed out with the way you look. I feel your pain when you are treated unfairly because of your weight. I feel your pain when people look at you in repulsion. I weep when you have your heart broken by some callous individual because they think it is funny to break an obese person's heart. I've been there...I truly understand.

My friends, you are not alone. I am here. We need to rally together my friends, we need to have a voice for all of the obese people in this country. We need to be the encouraging force to bring to our obese brethren a healthy way to live life, to be supportive to show with love and kindness the benefit of fitness and exercise.

Together we can fight this battle together we will win!!!

Please watch, this is my story...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, when I speak about the "Skinny People" I speak to that group of society who think they are "entitled" because they are thin and never know what it ever was like to be obese....I happen to have many "Fit" friends who are kind and compassionate. I use "skinny" as some would use "fat" a generalization...


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