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Thursday, July 28, 2011

California Adventure: Day 5

Wednesday July 28th

Well, yesterday wasn't much to write home about, you have those days when you are on vacation. Not everyday can be filled with activity and sometimes you just need to relax.

Well, relax I did. I didn't get my lazy butt moving until 2pm yesterday.

But, even though there was not activity didn't mean that I did not learn something from my day. I posted a question on Facebook which I will post here:

"Have you ever believed in something so much and believed it was the ultimate truth, only to realize that belief was a manifestation of ignorance and fear?" 

My friends really didn't comment on it and those that did just assumed something was "wrong" with me or felt that they were above such humanly feelings.

I ended up deleting the post. But, my heart still asks that question. It isn't just one belief or truth I am talking about but more like a blanket understanding of life in general. I guess this week I have been faced with realities that I never really faced or wanted to face. I've made judgments of things that I really had no right to judge, and I've learned things about myself that scare the crap out of me.

So, yesterday was weird. I was nervous all day and even a bit obssessive, I kept trying to self-talk myself out of it. I got mad even treated someone unfairly.

This morning however, I feel as is the cosmos have realigned themselves. I got some more persective and I'm not as upset as I was. See, I let negativity in my day yesterday and that was my first mistake.

I believe that one thing I will need to start doing, is taking time in the morning and night to meditate on the day, to reach to GOD and to start my day with HIM filling me with positive energy and then at night having HIM release all the negative stuff out of me.

Also, I need to stop being so self-centered in the negative. It is okay to be self internal to live for yourself because trying to live for others is just exhausting, but to not be so self centered that you stamp on other people's feelings. That is what I need to learn. I get so angry and so hurt that instead of dealing with the situation in a positive way, I just simply lash out. That needs to stop.

So, today is a new day. I have always loved the line from "Anne of Green Gable" where Anne says:

"Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it."

So, here is to a new day! I am posting this video for you to enjoy. A very good friend shared this with me this morning, and it was just something that touched my heart and I hope it touches yours.

God Bless

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