Who Likes Me

Monday, July 11, 2011

Living to Eat

Eating seems to be a constant struggle for me. I get up in the morning with good intentions to do well in what I put in my mouth and by the end of the day I am disgusted with the fact that I didn't make good choices.

I've been told that the brain has these opiate and cocaine receptors that react to certain foods we eat, they "pleasure" centers are triggered and the food we eat now becomes pleasurable.

There are millions of people out there who struggle everyday with food, and really we shouldn't be battling this battle, but it is so hard. There is this need to place something delicious in your mouth and experience the wonderful sensations that food gives you.

You are not alone, there is no magic cure my friends. You see advertisements on the TV for weight loss programs and for pills that guarantee weight loss, but friends the truth is YOU have to want to do this. It is in your control 100% of the time, and it is not easy. No point in lying to you. You have been lied to enough by false advertisements promising a quick fix.

Depression does set in when we make poor choices in our diets, we sit on our couches and just sulk about how dumb we were and what a looser we are, and then we just keep eating, because it is the only thing that feels good.

Please stop. Find someone to help you. Make it a team effort. I have a friend who I talk to frequently and just talking to this person is enough of encouragement to not put another morsel in my mouth and my friend gives me enough support that I can get through an exercise routine knowing that this is what I need to do for my body and this is what is good.

I have a cousin who is in the fitness career, and I remember him telling me that it doesn't matter what you do so long as you move. You have to move. I'm terrible at this I know. I don't think about it until it is too late and I realize, "dang it" I could have done some sit-ups here or some yoga moves, but I didn't and then I get all upset again because I feel like I screwed up.

Please don't do that to yourselves. Be stronger than me, and be an advocate for healthy living, then find someone you can reach out to and help them. Together we can win this war and over come this epidemic that has taken over our world.

Get healthy my friends, because if we are not healthy then we will just not be able to stand up for any other injustices that are going on in the world.

Lets be strong for ourselves, for our children and for our future.

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